How to start a medical store?

      The medical store business is good to start in your area because the profit rate of a medical store is high.


The best thing about a medical store is not affected easily by any type of economic crisis.

Set a profit margin to make a turnover and annual income.

  1. Document required for medical store license.

  • A cover letter that tells you the purpose of opening your medical store.

  • A duly filled-in - application form.

  • A site plan of the location including the design of the store in which you are going to carry out your business.

  • Fee challan.

  • Passport-size photograph of the applicant, pharmacist, or competent person.

  • Other additional documents if required.

  • In case you need to renew the license, you would have to submit the original license, application form, and other documents if necessary. 

  1. Rules for the pharmacist you employ.

  • The pharmacist that hires need to be registered.

  • He has to work full time in the store.

  • The employee that you hire for your store is well qualified with a degree.

  • The person that is not well qualified has at least one year of pharmacist knowledge of pharmacist to do in the medical line.

  • You can also hire those people who are qualified for any four years of the semester.

  • The drugs license will carry the name of the pharmacist or competent person, once employed the person cannot do any other jobs.

  1. How to promote your medical shop in your town & area.

  • Nowadays the best way to promote your business is through social media platforms.

  • Promote your business in the local newspaper and distribute pamphlets in the area and locate your shop address.

  • Giving promotional gifts for a certain number of purchases can also help to promote your shop.

  1. How to store your medicine or drugs in your medicine shop.

  •   Your drug store would require a refrigerator to store the medicine.

  •   In your drug store refrigerator, you store insulin, liquid antibiotics, vaccines, and other medications that need to be kept at low temperatures.

  •   Cupboards and drawers are also important requirements to store different types of medicine in your shop.

  1. Contact the local medicine manufacturing company to supply medicine for your shop.

  • Contact the local manufacturing company to supply the medicine for your shop.

  • Going to a direct manufacturing company gives you a high profit on medicine.

  • You give orders in high quantities to give you a high profit for your shop.


    In the coming year, the medical industry will grow so fastly and demand for medicine is so high this is the reason to start a medicine shop. 


                                                                                            Content writer- Aryan Kumar





